Random Survey Thing
written @ 5:55 p.m. on January 21, 2003

I'm updating twice in one day *gasp* I sure as Hell haven't done that in a long time. So incase you didn't see the other one, go read it!

Update on my audition, I think that I did a really good job. I'm uber-proud of myself, if I do say so...myself. I sang well, basically as good as it gets, and rocked my monologue. I'm on such a high right now...God I'm a dork.

So, granted, I'm stealing this from Amber, she knows I love her. =D Here it goes...

My theme song:

Oh God. Why do I always feel like such a dork when I pick these songs? Right now, as stupid as a singer as she may be, I really like Beautiful by Christina Aguileria...but those who know me shouldn't be shocked. I'm the nerd.

what am i?

A nerd. A dreamer. A coward. A lover. A bitch. A reader. A self-proclaimed obsessor. A woman. A fighter. Need I go on?

what do i want?

Love. Friendship. Stability. Independence. My liscense. No more cancer. Best friends. Commitment. A good part in Guys and Dolls. A good singing voice. An acting career. A year in New Zealand. A year in London. A year alone. A month of silence.

what don't i want?

Hate. The feeling of regret. To be scared of opening myself up. Depression. Anorexia overtaking me again. Insecurities. Pain. Loss.

what cant i stand?

Ignorance. Stupidity. Hate. Britney Spears. Those Stop smoking cigarette ads. Divorce. Bigotry. Racism.

what can i stand?

Loud music. Opinions, with good defenses are reasons. Riots, with just causes.

what i love?

My family. Reading. Watching movies. People asking me stupid questions about Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. My dorkiness. Being in love. Kisses. Music. Concerts. Musicals. Good auditions. My friends. Zack.

What i hate?

Racism. War. Britney Spears.

what am i afraid of?

Needles. Spiders. Death. A life with no love.

what am i in-terms with?

Learning to cope with the fact that my parents don't love each other anymore, and will never be married again. At least, I'm learning to be in-terms with it. I'm only 16...a have a lifetime to cope with it.

personal things i do?

Giggle, a lot. Listen to bad pop music my friends hate. Bite my nails. Obsess over lots of things. Wear bracelets, a lot. Sleep with Zack's sweatshirt like a blankie. Grind my teeth. Laugh obscenely loud at immature and dumb jokes. Have a useless knowledge of useless things. Watch movies billions of times.

what i never want to do?

Be alone.

what i want to do?

Act. Live in New Zealand. Live in London. Be happy. Buy my Dad a new house. Send my sister to college. Live in California. Read a lot. Take beautiful pictures. Be pretty. Lose weight the right way. Be happy. Accept me for who I am.

Pretty random, huh? Well I'm done for now. For the night I mean...I promise. I guess I can come up with something good at home, huh?


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