talkidy talk talk talk
written @ 1:15 p.m. on January 23, 2003

I got call backs. Meh. I'm not to pepped up for this, I mean...yeah, I think it's cool that I got called back, but so did everyone else. I'm pretty nonchalant about this entire thing. There are, what, 2 lead girl parts? 3 maybe? Yeah, the likely-hood of me getting any of those parts is pretty much zilch, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

I can't wait to get my liscense. Oh. My. Gooness. I have Behind The Wheel at 4:30 today, after callbacks, so I'm not going to get home until 6, maybe a little after, then I have to convince Mom to let me go to Twinbrook Shopping Centre so I can get printing paper, since she is most definitely not going to do it herself.

In photography Ms. Arnold wants us to "showcase" to the class our three best works of the quarter. I've got that one of Max that I love, and so does she, I'm probably going to get a little on of a flower and the one of Caitlin. I'm not sure, though, I just don't care. That's all there is to it.

I have no idea what I'm getting Zack for Valentine's Day. Well...I know part of it, but that's a I'm going to sit with my paycheck in my hands, wondering what the Hell I'm going to do. You know?

I read a kick ass book yesterday. I finished it, in one day, I'm proud of myself. It's by Meg Cabot, the chick who wrote Princess Diaries and all of that crap, and it's called Haunted, and I like it. Go me.

Alissa has a big head. (haha, she was watching me type...she walked away before she saw that. Meh...I'm leaving it here incase she comes back.)

Justin kept the nail that he shot into his hand. Now, Justin, you know that I love you...but you kept the nail? Even I'm not that sentimental.

Speaking of which...

I'm getting more and more sentimental lately. I found the two crosages from Homecoming from Freshman year and from Paola's Quincenera party...I don't have the heart to throw them away. I put them in a box, along with my vest from Toys 'R Us (hey, it's my first job!), a watch that I gave my Grandpa with Mickey Mouse on it (along with my Minnie Mouse one...), a couple JTT pics I drew all over when I was like...8, an 'I LOVE MICHAEL' keychain from when I was in Elementary school and was in love with Michael Shifflett, my favorite type of lollipop from the bank (rootbeer) and the 3 bracelets I have from camp. That's some of it. And that's not including what things I keep from me and Zack (I'm such a loser...I have the box that he gave me my necklace in. I found it when I cleaned my room...I'm such a sap.)

Squee. I get my liscense today. I am so damn hip.

...I should probably go back to class. But Justin told me that Esther is reading my diary. Cool.


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