More about camp
written @ 11:26 a.m. on August 17, 2002

Listening to: Seems Like Yesterday - Goldfinger

Phew. I slept until 11. After going to bed around midnight. I haven't done that in a long time. I was so exhausted last night, and I think I hurt my arm from playing "Ultimate Dodgeball" the last night, I shouldn't have hid Joel that last time because he tried to break my arm a couple years ago...long story...dodgeball was still fun though, so it was totally worth the whole thing.

So onto talking about camp, I don't care if you don't care, I want to talk about it because I'm so hip. So yea.

I saw a buncha people that I've known from years before, that was great. Ali and I mostly talked about how much we missed Beth (a previous councelor...I've talked about her before) and how bored we were. It was boring. It was the weirdest week of camp that I've been to ever, and I've gone 7 times (in 5 years.) But that was okay, because we didn't have cleaning jobs everyday (like the showers or sinks or toilets...eek.) Some of the councelors were hilarious though, like Aaron, who was obsessed with now whenever I hear a pun joke I love way to long. Because it's funny. And that's what I do. Get over it. Evan was hilarious as always, and did the retarted walk again (Emily I laughed harder than ever he started dancing while doing "the walk" when we had Snack Shop at night, it was the greatest) Kristen and I sang a lot, because that's what we do. Sam laughed her hilaroius laugh that everyone loved at camp. There was this group of girls, though, the youngest group in the camp, and they were always wearing Saves The Day and Weezer and NFG shirts. So of course it made me miss my music even more, so I would start singing it and piss people off. (Ali did you ever figure out that one line for the Dashboard song we kept singing??)

There were lots of hot skater guys though.

Ok actually there were only 6, but from the way it was before that's 6 more than we've had before. The skatepark at camp was fun, I didn't hurt myself too bad, but I did break my camera. That pissed me off, but I had only taken 9 or so pics, so that was okay. I made a ridiculous amount of Hemp necklaces and bead necklaces, because that's what I do at camp. That and drink gallons of Yoo Hoo. Hoorah for Yoo Hoo.

Well that's the majority of the important stuff for now. I hope that Sam's okay, but she should've eaten and been drinking water more, we were all gives you eat child! (That's a little hypocritical don't you think...nah, I ate like a cow at camp.) OH! I FED GOATS AND A LLAMA!! But the llama was a butthead so Chris kept scaring it, that was fun. But the little goats were adorable. And at camp I had to sing (because I got more than three letters a day) three days in a row. I felt special, except for when I had to sing by myself the first day...stupid mail.

Well Mom wants to shop for the Disney Cruise (which Evan and Alicia from camp say is the greatest) so I'm motivated. But my arm hurts *ow* Toodles.


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