Sleeping Beauty
written @ 2:33 p.m. on November 19, 2002

I heard that my History teacher keeps talking to his other classes about me and how I've already seen Harry Potter twice. When I know for a fact I'm not the only one, oh well. It's HP, I can't complain.

Yesterday's rehearsals put me in a funk. My Costume didn't fit and only two people seemed to give a damn and tried to help me. It was depressing, it didn't fit, and hardly anyone seemed to care. I ended up having to do all this shit to make it look good, and I'm to embarrassed to even talk about it. It did wonders for my self-esteem and didn't make me feel depressed at all *insert sarcasm*. I didn't get home until 9:20, and even then I'd left early with Kristen Gastrock and Meredith.

I was sitting on the little bench thingy where Juliet and Tybalt lie in the Capulet's tomb at the end of the play, and I was laying on one (sulking) and Justin was sitting on the other. We were both kinda quiet and he said a couple things, then I said "If I were a princess, I'd have, of course, bigger boobs, a killer singing voice, I'd be perfect, and right now my Prince Charming would come and kiss me and wake me from this Hell." and Justin and I were kinda quiet for a minute and he said "Do you see yourself more as a Cinderella or a Sleeping Beauty?" How the Hell should I know? I said "Sleeping Beauty." and he seemed to approve. So later, I was still laying there and Zack had come back and I said to him "Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella?" and he said "Sleeping Beauty." Good choice huh?


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