stupid boy making me sick
written @ 3:27 p.m. on December 10, 2002

Ok. I'll admit it. It was worth it, okay? I know that's what you wanna hear, so I said it. But it still sucks being sick. I hate being sick, because I can't control when it happens or how bad I do get sick. My voice was horrible all day, it now seems to be getting better though, but my throat is still scratchy. *cough* OW! It hurts when I cough...badly. The only reason I went to school was because I knew that if I didn't Mom wouldn't take me to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrest with her at 4:10, and I really wanted to see it again (That and the fact that I'm a huge giant uber-nerd. Meh.) But I'm sick, and I'll be in a movie theatre for 2 hours and 45 minutes, or something like that. Granted, it's the comfy theatre (Meredith and I decided that whenever we see Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers we have to see it there because with her back always acting up, and being tall ain't a piece of cake people, it's the only place where I can stand sitting for over 3 hours. Or something along those lines.

How come on gray days at lunch we always end up talking about something dirty? Jess always seems to bring something up. We've had conversations on how we all can't stand the taste of cum (come on's gross. Don't lie to me and tell me you like it,) dildos, body piercings (trust me, with Jessica it gets gross) and anything along those lines. I'll admit, they're entertaining, but poor Brandie doesn't seem to know how to deal with it all when it's happening. It got so bad once I had to get away from the table...and it takes something big to get me to get away from food.

Well the babysitter should be here soon for Caitlin, then Mom and I are getting the Hell outta here. Toodles.


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