stupid hollywood and their non 16-year-olds!
written @ 11:33 p.m. on December 06, 2002

So Hollywood just can't come out with anyone attractive that's my age, huh? Granted, there's Sean Biggerstaff...but after seeing him in a kilt at one of the England premiers of The Chamber of Secrets that obsession became minor. *tears* So let's review who there is. Orlando Bloom, age? 25. That's called illegal, folks. Remember, this is me pretending I have a chance even though I know there is no chance in hell I will even come close to seeing him. Rupert Grint, age? 14. Okay, Zack's 10 months younger than me...and that's where I drop the line. Daniel Radcliffe, age? 13. Sonofabitch. The kid from The Santa Clause movies, Eric Lloyd, age? I think he's like 13 or something like that. Ben Affleck, age? 30. And that whole J. Lo thing...meh. Fuck you Hollywood!! You dumb bastards...come out with some hot 16 year old that isn't always on Zoog Disney, please!

Though...I must remind you that coughcoughhavinganobsessioncoughcough finding Daniel Radcliffe attrictive does not make me a pedophile (sp, I never learned how to spell that, did I?) However, if I were like 30 and found him attractive...then you should worry.

I'm just plagued by this.

And extremely bored! Where the Hell is everyone? Mom and I went shopping earlier and I got a new bellybutton ring (There's a star and a snowflake hanging from it, it's so cute! Eep!) And my sister finally got Lily and Stitch so we just had to watch that earlier. Then Grandma came over because Mom and Patrick went to some dance thing from their work so we saw The Santa Clause 2...hence me getting bitter over the lack of 16 year olds in Hollywood. (Ok Hollywood, let's get someone who is actually 16 to play a character that's 16...not someone who is in their 20's, please!) Ok I'm stopping.

I think my lack of sleep is making write a really weird entry...I don't know. I don't have work until 3 tomorrow, so I'll take advantage of that. 'Night.


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