save me from the nothing i've become
written @ 2:56 p.m. on March 11, 2003

I'm sorry for hurting you.
I'm sorry for all of the pain that I've caused you.
I'm sorry that I stupidly spent two months without you over the summer.
I'm sorry for pushing your buttons.
I'm sorry for taking cheap shots to hurt you.
I'm sorry for laughing at you when you get hurt.
I'm sorry for having no patience with you.
I'm sorry for making you cry.
I'm sorry that I will never be able to open up to you like you want me to.
I'm sorry that I've put you through so much hastle to be with me.
I'm sorry that I can't trust you with all of my heart like you want me to.
I'm sorry that I yell.
I'm sorry that I make you feel guilty.
I'm sorry that I'm not always grateful for what you give me.
I'm sorry that I don't give you enough.
I'm sorry that your words sometimes fall on deaf ears.
I'm sorry that I can't express how much I love you to make you truly understand how much I need you in my life.
I'm sorry for the awkward silences.
I'm sorry I make you worry about me.

Most of all I'm sorry because sometimes I just can't help these things. I know that people see me as a bitch, and amazingly you don't (always) see me that way. I don't know how you do it, but you can see the real me. And you have no idea how scary that is for me. Everyday is a rollercoaster, sometimes good - sometimes bad. I'm not perfect, nor do I claim to be. I just don't want you to expect too much from me, sometimes.

I won't always say the right thing.
I won't always be sweet.
I won't always say thank you when I should.
I won't be there to listen everytime you need me to.
I won't say I love you everytime you need to hear it.
I won't be able to open up to you like you want me to.

Just know that I love you, and that I'll do anything for you. You'll never understand how much I love you, Zack, you may think you do...but I know for a fact that you don't. I wish that I could be the perfect girlfriend for you, the girlfriend that you deserve, but I can't be. That's just not me. And no matter how much I love you I'm not going to go out of my way to change for you.

Just know that I love you.


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