See, Zack? Unicorns do exist! Hah!
written @ 7:54 a.m. on September 18, 2003

It's bittersweet being the Unicorn, I tell ya. I wanted Meredith to be the Witch, I didn't want Eric to be Alsan, I wanted Zack to have a better part than "Witch's Army" and Centaur's understudy. the same time, I'm happy. This is what it was like when I was Kaa, I felt right for a part, I wanted it so fucking bad I could taste it, and it's so damn great.

First off...Congratulations to Beth. Oh Geez, I don't think she realized how badly all of us wanted her to be Susan. I'm so increidibly happy for you, congrats darlin'.

I'm extremely bummed about Valerie being the witch. I've spent the majority of last night and some time this morning deciding on the word to describe why I don't like her for that role, but it's hard. Flippant? Bouncy? Obnoxious...who knows. She's just too peppy I guess. And, I'm with Zack on this, I can't stand the thought of Eric having another big role. He think's he's God's gift to theatre. And, he'll have a beautiful little surprise if he calls this "His show", because Zack, along with myself, will most definitely let him have it.

Zack's rubbing off on me, I'm starting to not like a lot of the people he can't stand. Hmm...

So no school today. *sigh* Very, very happy. As long as the weather's okay, I get to swing by and get my Zack, so that's damn fantastic. I need to cheer him up, he wasn't his normal self at all yesterday, and that's scary.

And even though she may not wish to hear this:

I love you. If you need me, please, please come to me. Call me, drive to my house, leave me a note on Dland...something. I know that I haven't been there for you when you may have needed me before, but I still love you and I don't want to see you like this. Smile, once, for me please. Even if no one sees it, even if it's not a full smile...just remind yourself that you can do it. You've got people who love you, and I am most definitely one of them. I love you.

And with that...I leave you.


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