written @ 1:19 p.m. on December 17, 2002

*Sigh* What a day. A confrontation between Zack and I turned into a full blown argument today, I still don't know what's going on with it, and I still have a lot to say to him so I'll definitely deal with that when I get home.

In Algebra we were pretty good today, but one of my teacher's friends just passed away, so we were all good. I got my Christmas present from Emily! A picture with two little girls in front of the beach, it was cute because one of the girls had really frizzy curly hair (Emily) and the other had long blond hair (Like I used to have.) So that was cute, and I got two really hip necklaces with stars on 'em. Woo hoo. We ended up playing with her talking Sitch doll all during class, which made Mrs. Roberts smile, so that was good. I also gave Meredith her talking Hermione doll, her mix CD and her Gryffindor necklace, muah hah hah. Maggie received her loved, as did I, so that was also good. =D

Random thought: Does anyone know why Great Britain chose to remain neutral during the Civil War?

So I have rehearsal today for the One Act with Tucker and Rami. Guess who's fucked! I'm fucked! I don't know nearly as many lines as I should, which sucks, but then again...Tucker hasn't been that on top of getting Rami and I together for rehearsals, so when I call line for 9 out of the 14 pages he better not wonder why. He should know why.

Stupid Christmas presents, I spent so much money yesterday, and I still have to buy for Zack, Patrick and my Grandma. Eugh, I hate Christmas shopping. I can't shop today, I sure as hell can't shop tomorrow BECAUSE LORD OF THE RINGS COMES OUT TOMORROW! AND I GET TO SEE IT AT 4:00!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Thursday I may get some things with Ashely, cuz we're going to go around and shop, Friday I want to spend time with Zack. Or do nothing. Or kill two birds with one stone and do them both. Saturday and Sunday I'm working. I just need to hurry up and quit, which I'm probably doing right after Christmas Eve, because I'm getting all of my Chrismas shopping done before this weekend (or people aren't getting presents.)

Stu and I are listening to Mrs. Morrison ramble on about random things, this is fun. I should be working on journalsim...


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