Truth & Aliens
written @ 2:08 a.m. on July 30, 2002

Want to know what's annoying me the most lately? (What Shannon...only one thing is really bothering you? *gasp*) Those TRUTH commercials. You know, the ones where they get teenagers who are desperate to get acting jobs & end up having to tell America how horrible smoking is through magazines and tv commercials. I'm sorry but if I smoked a lot, and I do smoke just not a lot, & I see one of these commercials do they think I'm going to stop in my tracks and go "Holy Shit! Smoking is bad for you? I didn't know that, thank you Truth commercials for setting me straight."...? I get that impression. If I want to smoke, I'll do it. I know how bad it is, I know that you can get easily addicted. Blah blah blah. My point is that it's my decision, I can do whatever I want to. & if you don't like it...just...wear a gas mask.

Haha that'd be funny.

I'm becoming more and more excited about Signs (the movie with Mel Gibson & Joaquin Phoenix...& on a random note, is Joaquin related to River Phoenix?) After Gladiator I can't see Joaquin the same way again, I keep seeing him kill Dumbledore over & over & over & over & you KNOW that wouldn't sit well with a Harry Potter fan. Hah. But anyways, Signs is coming out Friday & I'm SO excited. More than I should be. I found a cool website too, it had pics of "UFO's" & "aliens" & some bad Big Foot shots & some weird goat killer (or something), I chickened out on looking at the Ghost pics because, personally, I believe in ghosts & that they're real, I just don't need to see them. That's too Six Sense & Poltergeist & Exorcist like for me, thank you very much. Aliens though...ehh I don't know if I believe in them or not. I used to watch specials on tv with my Dad when I was like 7 and freak myself out about getting abducted but I haven't watched one of those shows in like 8 or 9 years or something along those lines, so I dunno anymore.

Well it's late and my songs are almost done downloading (I'm in a Goonies phase so I threw a little Cyndi Lauper in there, among others of course) so I'm going to get some sleep. Toodles.


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