last entry was my 600th and i didn't even notice. whoa.
written @ 9:32 a.m. on August 08, 2003

1. What's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country?
OBX, North Carolina

2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling?
I got hit on by some guy in Brasil, at least, I think that's what happened. He spoke Portuguese. It's just weird, I didn't get hit on here (then) but after like, a day in Brasil I got hit on. Ghetto.

3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go?
New Zealand

4. Do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car?
Flying, I love flying.

5. What's the next place on your list to visit?
New Zealand. I need to go there before I die. It's just a must.

And there's the Friday Five, I'm impressed, I'm actually on top of things today.

*yawn* I'm so tired. Caitlin woke me up to tell me that she was getting on the computer, that dyke, I got mad and yelled at her. So Zack called, and right after we got off the phone I came into the office to yell at her, and she wasn't even on the computer anymore. Gah!

So I went to work yesterday to buy some paper for my scrapbook (yes, my name is Shannon, and I'm a nerd) and I saw one of my bosses, Karen (the cool one), and asked her if I could work today. She said that she'd wished I'd asked her earlier, because she had just asked Alyssa if she could work from 5:30-Cl. So I went to Marianne and got Alyssa's phone number, and ended up calling her. I'm working today, which I'm actually pretty happy about. I need money, and sitting on my ass five days of the week isn't going to help me get any more of it. Ya know? I'm also working Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, both 5:30-Cl shifts. Won't be too bad getting about 8 1/2 or so extra on my paycheck. I'd better get my raise soon, otherwise I'm gonna start bitching.

I need to hurry and finish Prizoner of Azkaban so I can start with The Jungle for English and Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz for plain ol' fun. I felt like such a nerd at the library the other day (paying my $13 from Black Hawk Down. Gah!) because the only Peter Pan that they have is a giant book with pictures and the font is pretty big. But I want to read it real bad, because the movie comes out on Christmas, so I hope Zack wants to see that, because we're going right after it comes out.

Why the Hell haven't I seen a preview for Return of the King yet? Even last year with The Two Towers I got that 2 minutes little thing at the end of Fellowship of the Ring in February, hello?

Why do people insist on sending me porn in my E-Mail? Gah!!!

All right...I'm leaving you now.


quizzes cliques