when i grow up
written @ 9:10 a.m. on May 26, 2003

My last entry was my 500th. Wow.

Zack asked me where we're going to live when we get married. Doesn't matter, honestly. Then something came up about jobs. I'm starting to realize (finally) that acting just isn't going to happen for me. As much as I'd love to act for the rest of my life, it's not realistic. I need stability in my life, and acting definitely does not bring stability with the paychecks. Since I was little I've always wanted to teach (but don't all little kids want to teach at one point?) Teach Elementary age kids has always appealed to me, and when Zack said he could see me teaching 3rd graders, I thought that was pretty cool. I've got one more year of high school before I'm thurst into "adult hood", and I'm scared shitless. I'm not ready for that sort of responsibility. I'm a little girl, I need my Mom to make my breakfast and force me to eat it even though I don't usually, I need her to make my doctor and hair appointments. I'm too much of a weirdo to do it myself.

I guess that college will be good for me. I'm not sure where I want to go yet, I just want to get accepted to somewhere good.

The dorkiest (and coolest) thing is that as long as I know Zack is there for me, it doesn't matter. I want to marry him. I plan on it. I want to have a million of his babies and they're all gonna be hot (and sarcastic...but oh well.)

All right, I need to go get ready to go to work. Toodles.


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