you're so fresh and i'm so glad
written @ 8:42 a.m. on April 17, 2003

I always expect bad things to happen I guess. That's a characteristic flaw of mine. I don't know, his eyes and his manorisms (sp) told me something was wrong, and when I can't figure them out I get irritated. Then again, I could be overanalyzing him. I don't know. Last night was pretty damn fantastic, though. Went and got him after a day at Tyson's Corner looking for a Prom dress, and Mom keeps telling me to look around, even though I found a dress I really want. So tomorrow I'm getting the credit card, going to Fair Oaks, and if I have to back to Tyson's to get the dress (I put it on hold. I'm a thinker, I am.) Zack and I watched Signs, fooled around, had some dinner, went to Green Acres and played on the playground for a while. I liked last night. I liked laying in my bed doing nothing.

Times like last night make me not want to change things about myself so much. Weird, a little, isn't it?

I found this from her, and now I'm stealing it.

mood: lethargic
music: "Silver and Cold" -AFI
I am not: in the mood to go to JMU today
I love: Zack
I fear: failure in life, needles, spiders
I hope: i succeed
I hear: my mom talking on the phone, a new song starting on my mix
I crave: SEX!
I regret: a lot of things. who they affect know how i feel, though. so that's all that matters.
I cry: When I can't help it.
I care: way too much
I always: procrastinate
I believe: in God
I feel alone: ...a lot
I listen: to people, music, name it, I'm listening
I watch: TV, and Zack sleeping
I hide: from my fears and insecurities
I live: as best I can
I drive: safe when other people are in the car with me, like my Father every other minute of the day
I sing: in the shower
I dance: like I can
I write: because I think I can do a good job at it, even though I can't
I play: basketball, the piano, games
I miss: being five years old
I search: for answers.
I am: In love. A mess. A music feind. A couch potato. A big sister. A little sister. A daughter. Tall. Anorexic. A book worm. A movie-God. Obsessed...with Zack.
I will: be a nerd until the day I die.
I detest: hypocrites and ignorant people
I try: to please others
I don't: like how I look
I learn: a lot of useless information
I feel: Sick and tired. And my back hurts, a lot
I know: that it costs $20,000 to rent a crane for a month.
I think: even though it hurts
I speak: my mind, and probably to much.
I succeed: if I try hard enough
I dream: of being famous.
I sleep: not enough
I eat: ...not enough
I wonder: how many cups of sugar it take to get to the moon
I want: Zack.
I have: more love in my life than I probably deserve
I give: not enough
I fight: too much
I need: my boyfriend. Patience. A job. A car.

All right...I'm done. I'm going to go get ready.


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